The joy of living your life. Your way.

This blog is a place for honest conversations around conflict and relationships that will help you laugh, grow, and achieve the vibrant and authentic life you desire (and deserve).  

Not getting along with your Mother-in-Law can be tough. They say when you marry someone, you marry their family too. But what happens when that “marriage” comes with a side of mother-in-law conflict? We’ve all heard the mother-in-law jokes, but real-life situations can be far from funny. Let’s dive into this delicate issue with a […]

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Why does my teenager hate me? It’s a question that has plagued parents for generations. One minute you have a sweet, funny, friendly mini-BFF that thinks your fab, and the next minute you are making breakfast for your live in arch nemesis who shoots daggers out of their eyes directly into your soul…. Congratulations, you’re […]

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In today’s fast-paced digital age, social media stands as an omnipresent force in the lives of teenagers. Picture it as a magnet, irresistibly pulling them into its field of endless scrolling, hashtags, and filtered selfies. Unsurprisingly, this magnetic pull often collides with the rock-solid boundaries set by parents, creating clashes that could rival even the […]

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 Conflict with a teenager can be a challenging and emotionally charged experience. There is nothing quite like a conflict with your teenager to make you feel like you are not doing a thing right in the parenting department You can go from running a company, killing it in all your other relationships, feeling like you […]

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